Apostles of the Weird [hardcover] Edited by S. T. Joshi
From: £25.00
AN ANTHOLOGY of weird fiction edited by S. T. Joshi. Unsigned Jacketed Hardcover. A signed & numbered edition limited to 100 copies is also available.
Black Wings VII [trade paperback] edited by S.T. Joshi
A trade paperback ANTHOLOGY of Lovecraft Inspired HORROR
Disintegration [Signed Hardcover] Edited by Darren Speegle
A signed hardcover anthology of HORROR & DARK FANTASY limited to 100 copies. A Trade Paperback edition is also available
Disintegration [trade paperback] Edited by Darren Speegle
A trade paperback anthology of HORROR & DARK FANTASY
Extrasolar [trade paperback] edited by Nick Gevers
SF ANTHOLOGY edited by Nick Gevers - Unsigned trade paperback edition.
From The Waste Land [Hardcover] edited by Clare Rhoden
A signed and numbered hardcover ANTHOLOGY of Horror/SF/Fantasy of stories inspired by TS Eliot’s The Waste Land, limited to 100 copies.
Heartwood: A Mythago Wood Anthology [signed slipcased hardcover] Edited by Dan Coxon
Slipcased Jacketed Hardcover limited to 200 signed, numbered copies — A trade paperback edition is also available.
Heartwood: A Mythago Wood Anthology [trade paperback] Edited by Dan Coxon
Trade Paperback ANTHOLOGY
His Own Most Fantastic Creation [hardcover] Edited by S. T. Joshi
From: £25.00
AN ANTHOLOGY of Lovecraftian inspired stories edited by S. T. Joshi. Unsigned Jacketed Hardcover. A signed & numbered edition limited to 100 copies is also available.
Mountains of Madness Revealed [Trade Paperback] edited by Darrell Schweitzer
Trade Paperback anthology of Lovecraft Inspired Horror.
Mystery, Murder, Madness, Mythos [trade paperback] Edited by Glynn Owen Barrass & Brian M. Sammons
A signed hardcover anthology of Lovecraft inspired HORROR & DARK FANTASY limited to 100 copies.
A Trade Paperback edition is also available
New Maps of Dream [Hardcover] edited by Cody Goodfellow & Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.
From: £20.00
A hardcover Fantasy / Horror ANTHOLOGY. A signed and numbered, and limited to 100 copies is also available.
New Worlds [trade paperback] edited by Nick Gevers & Peter Crowther
Trade Paperback ANTHOLOGY of Science Fiction stories.
No More Heroes [Hardcover] edited by Ian Whates
From: £25.00
A hardcover SF/Fantasy ANTHOLOGY. A signed and numbered, and limited to 100 copies is also available.
ParSec in Print [trade paperback] edited by Ian Whates
A Trade Paperback colection of stories that appeared in the first eight issues of the online magazine.
Prisms [Hardcover] edited by Darren Speegle & Michael Bailey
From: £25.00
A hardcover SF/Fantasy ANTHOLOGY. A signed and numbered, and limited to 100 copies is also available.
Shadowplays [signed hardcover] Edited by Peter Coleborn & Mike Chinn
Slipcased Jacketed Hardcover limited to 100 signed, numbered copies — A trade paperback edition is also available.
Shadowplays [trade paperback] Edited by Peter Coleborn & Mike Chinn
Trade paperback edition.
Studio of Screams [hardcover] S. R. Bissette, M. Morris, C. Golden, T. Lebbon, S. Volk
From: £25.00
AN ANTHOLOGY of inter-conected stories by Stephen R. Bissette, Mark Morris, Christopher Golden, Tim Lebbon, Stephen Volk. Unsigned Jacketed Hardcover. A signed & numbered edition limited to 100 copies is also available.
Tales Nocturnal [signed hardcover] by Tim Foley
Jacketed Hardcover COLLECTION of taels of the uncanny limited to 100 signed, numbered copies — A trade paperback edition is also available.
Tales Nocturnal [trade paperback] by Tim Foley
A trade paperback COLLECTION of tales of the uncanny
Ten-Word Tragedies [hardcover] ed by Tim Lebbon & Christopher Golden
From: £25.00
ANTHOLOGY - Unsigned Jacketed Hardcover. A signed and numbered edition limited to 100 copies, and an eBook edition are also available.
The Dagon Collection [Hardcover] Nate Pedersen
An ANTHOLOGY Auction Catalogue of Items Recovered in the 1929 Federal Raid on Innsmouth, Mass.
The Mad Butterfly's Ball [Trade Paperback] Edited by Preston Grassmann & Chris Kelso
A trade paperback anthology of HORROR & DARK FANTASY
The PS Book of Fantastic Fictioneers [hardcover] edited by Pete Von Sholly
From: £25.00
A collection of essays by leading genre writers. Unsigned Jacketed Hardcover in 2 volumes.
The PS Book of Fantastic Fictioneers [slipcased hardcover] edited by Pete Von Sholly
A collection of essays by leading genre writers. A 2 volume hardcover set in an black Wibalin slipcase.
The Starry Wisdom Library [JHC] edited by Nate Pedersen
The Time Machine: Australia Bound [paperback] Edited by Steve Proposch & Christopher Sequeira
An ANTHOLOGY of Science Fiction stories - Trade paperback edition.
The Time Machine: Australia Bound [Signed Hardcover] Edited by Steve Proposch & Christopher Sequeira
Slipcased Jacketed Hardcover limited to 100 signed, numbered copies — A trade paperback edition is also available.
The Unquiet Dreamer: A Tribute to Harlan Ellison [trade paperback] edited by Preston Grassmann