Enigma Season [hardcover] by Eric Brown & Keith Brooke
CATEGORY Science Fiction
COVER ART Ben Baldwin
Unsigned Jacketed Hardcover — ISBN 978-1-786363-76-3 [£18]
100 JHC signed by Eric Brown & Keith Brooke — ISBN 978-1-786363-77-0 [£25]
For generations, humankind has lived in protective tunnels and domes on an Earth ruined by war and environmental destruction. To reinforce their fear of the deadly world beyond the domes, children are raised to the litany of The rain that burns, the light that blinds, the air that kills, the water that poisons...In the domes, Enforcers keep an oppressive rule of law, a discipline accepted as necessary for a population sheltering from such a hostile world. The Enforcers are abetted in this by the mysterious Enigmats, aliens who came to Earth many years earlier; no one really knows why the Enigmats are here, but it’s generally accepted that they have intervened to protect the human survivors from the consequences of their own folly.
Keith Brooke's most recent novel alt.human (published in the US as Harmony) was shortlisted for the 2013 Philip K Dick Award. He is also the editor of Strange Divisions and Alien Territories: the Sub-genres of Science Fiction, an academic exploration of SF from the perspectives of a dozen top authors in the field. Writing as Nick Gifford, his teen fiction is published by Puffin, with one novel also optioned for the movies by Andy Serkis and Jonathan Cavendish's Caveman Films. He writes reviews for the Guardian, teaches creative writing at university level, and lives with his wife Debbie in Wivenhoe, Essex.
Eric Brown: Born in Haworth, West Yorkshire, Eric Brown has lived in Australia, India and Greece, and has travelled extensively in the far east. He has won the British Science Fiction Award twice for his short stories, and his novel Helix Wars was shortlisted for the 2012 Philip K. Dick award. He’s published over seventy books and his latest include the seventh crime novel in the Langham and Dupré series, set in the 1950s, Murder By Numbers, and the Sherlock Holmes SF novel, The Martian Menace. He lives near Dunbar in Scotland, and his website is at: ericbrown.co.uk