Funeral Song [Hardcover] by Robert Edric

Product Code: 978-1-786367-10-5
Funeral Song [Hardcover] by Robert Edric
Stock Status: available to order
Brand: PS Publishing
Condition: New
Weight: 0.6kg
A hardcover CRIME novel. A signed and numbered edition limited to 100 copies is also available.


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A NOVEL by Robert Edric

Unsigned Jacketed Hardcover — ISBN  978-1-786367-10-5 [£25]
100 Jacketed Hardcover signed by the author — ISBN
978-1-786367-11-2  [£35].


In this final part of the Song Cycle Quartet, published here for the first time, Hull private detective Leo Rivers is approached by a wealthy property developer. The man's only daughter is being blackmailed by a local drug dealer, to whom she owes money and who possesses compromising photographs of her, and Rivers is employed to deliver the money demanded and to keep the girl away from all that threatens to destroy both her and her father's ambitions in the city. It is soon clear to Rivers, however, that there is considerably more to this transaction than meets the eye, and that he is being used by both men to their own illegal and profitable ends.  Following a vicious assault on Rivers and the death of two innocent men, the private detective is drawn into a world of drug-financed gang warfare and police corruption, each side playing him off against the other, until in a final unstoppable explosion of violence and killing, he is lucky to escape with his own life.

Previous reviews for Robert Edric:

"Edric's novels constitute one of the most astonishing bodies of work to appear from a single author for a generation."  The Daily Telegraph.

"Edric is a novelist who makes his own rules and cannot be compared to anyone else."  The Times.

"Much contemporary fiction seems inconsequential and fleeting by comparison."  The Guardian.

"A masterly analyst of human behaviour who puts the work of most other novelists in the shade."  The Sunday Times.

"Edric's language has a mythic, almost Biblical quality, where every word carries due weight and you have the eerie sense of things being left out.  What makes Edric's writing profound is his refusal to be tidy or dogmatic.  He is a great novelist."  The Spectator.

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